Friday night Josh and I had a late dinner at Caps a neighborhood sports bar less than 1 mile from our house. I always get the same thing and it has never let me down! It’s called “Not Your Ordinary Grilled Cheese.” Basically, it’s a grilled cheese sandwich with garlic, three cheeses and three slices of bread. Their fries are really good, too. Josh really likes their French Dip.
Saturday morning was spent compiling my three-month blog update. It took longer than expected, but I’m glad I have that accomplished for both your (haha) and posterity’s sake.
After that, we headed to my grandmother’s house to hang her television on the wall. When I say “we” I mean Josh. He packed up his tools and away we went. Grandma and I visited and looked at photo albums that she made for me. Man that was a blast from the past. I may scan some to share here for old time’s sake.

After Grandma’s, we headed home and grilled up a quick dinner for the Jabbi-Fam. When Abbi and Judah were in the hospital, Jen put together a wonderful website over at for people to sign up to bring them dinners. What a blessing that has been for them. We had a nice visit and are so excited that Judah came home yesterday!
Josh spent the evening working…
And I caught up on Celebrity Rehab (it’s ok to judge me) with a sleeve of Thin Mints. I’m nearing the end of my stash. Anyone know where to buy them “out of season”?
Sunday morning was spent cleaning up the house (and putzing around on Pinterest). Josh removed the dead battery in my car, took it Auto Zone where they tested it and determined it was time for a new one. I don’t even remember the last time I got a new battery. Then I had the joy of attacking a strange smell coming from the refrigerator, garbage disposal, dishwasher. I cleaned out the fridge and still smelled it. I cleaned the garbage disposal. Still there. Opened the dishwasher and was overwhelmed by the stench.
Since the beginning of July, I have been hand washing our dishes (go me!), then I was out of town for 10 days and so until Sunday, the dishwasher sat dormant. Who knows what food particles/grease/minerals fermented in there. I’m happy to announce that after pulling the dishwasher out from under the counter to check for dead animals (yes, it was that bad) I was able to solve fully diagnose the problem with a two-fold offense elimination method: baking soda/vinegar and store-bought dishwasher cleaning stuffs.
Turns out, the tubey thingy from your disposal to your dishwasher needs to go up before down. Let me explain with pictures:

So we’ve had water sitting in our dishwasher from approximately a month. Our tube not being properly installed had been a non-issue until I decided to go all “June Cleaver” and washing things by hand. Who knew that not using the dishwasher could actually do harm?
After Scooby Doo-ing that, we headed over to Kyle & A’s for a Sunday Funday that we haven’t had in quite some time. We had not seen them all summer. It was great to catch up, float around and laugh together.

After our delicious steak dinner, Josh and I scooted over to my parents to bid farewell to my cousin, Erik, who will be traveling Europe for five weeks then studying in Istanbul for the entire school year. I was able to impart a small bit of advice for his trip to Barcelona. You must see this:

Antoni Gaudí designed the Sagrada Familia has been a work-in-progress for over 100 years. The story is one of anguish and beauty. When I first saw his work, 7 years ago, it truly moved me. I’m excited for Erik to get to see it!
On Monday, I swung by the grocery store after work and bumped into our friends Paul & Angela! They are engaged and planning a November wedding. It had been ages since I’d seen them.

And, yes, I took a picture in the grocery store.
After that, MacKenzie and I ate take out and drank wine in her new condo! She and her family have been painting and putting in new wood floors, so even though she’s not living there, I wanted to go hang out. Her first home is going to be beautiful. I’m so excited for her. Check out her fortune:

It was a busy, but wonderful weekend! What did you guys do?